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New Year's Resolutions

With the start of the new year, it may feel like the perfect chance to start some new healthy habits.

After all, we have 365 chances to make a big change in our lives this year. Let’s be honest, though: most resolutions don't get us very far. 

In fact, the majority of people give up on their New Year's resolutions by January 17, now dubbed National Quitters Day.

According to happiness expert and New York Times bestselling author Gretchen Rubin, certain techniques can help you along the process of creating change in you life without it feeling like a chore. On the mindbodygreen podcast, she discusses her top goal-setting methods, which we've outlined for you here:

1. Look to your past

While resolutions are inherently future-focused, reflecting on the past can help you identify what works for you and, more importantly, what doesn't. "The key is this idea of self-knowledge," says Rubin. "You could ask yourself questions like Well, is there a time when I've succeeded in the past?" So let's say your goal this year is to exercise more consistently: Ask yourself, have you ever exercised consistently? "Maybe the past has a clue," she notes. "Maybe there's something that was true in the past that [you] could bring into the future."

For example, maybe in the past you’ve enjoyed working out with a friend, but you find waking up to go on a solo run more challenging. That past experience could be a clue that you thrive with accountability—so signing up for more exercise classes or grabbing a workout buddy might help you better reach that exercise goal.

Or maybe in the past you felt more energized after an evening workout than an early morning one —that experience can help you identify the time of day that might help the habit stick.

The takeaway: Reflect on your past, and you'll have a better grasp of how you'll act in the future. As Rubin notes: "You're much better thinking, What's true for me?"

2. Make your resolution a habit

After you consider what may have worked for you in the past, the key is figuring out how to make the new goal stick. According to Rubin, it's helpful to treat this goal as a habit: "The thing about habits is they are so helpful to us," she says. "They put a behavior on autopilot." And once those actions start to feel like second nature, it's easier to make them a permanent part of your routine. "Habits are absolutely crucial," Rubin explains. "Research suggests that about 40% of what we do every day is governed by habits, so if you have habits that work for you, it's going to be a lot easier to be happier, healthier, more productive, and more creative."

As for how to create a habit that lasts, she shares that it really depends on the person: "There's no magic, one-size-fits-all solution for how you want to set up a habit, whether you do it in the morning, afternoon, or night. People are going to differ on when they feel most productive, creative, and energetic." The key is learning what works for you (that's where the past reflection point comes in handy!) and testing different methods to see what sticks.

3. Track your progress.

Your brain loves rewards—so celebrate your small wins! In fact, tracking your progress can help kick-start change: "If you monitor a behavior, you tend to start to do a better job with that behavior, even if you're not consciously trying to change," she says.

She explains that tracking these behaviors in a journal or app can be rather reinforcing—she even offers a Don't Break the Chain habit tracker on her website to help people master their habits. "When people do something every day, it goes onto autopilot that much more easily," she says. "Many people find this 'don't break the chain' approach to be really helpful because once they get that streak going, they don't want to break it. They want the satisfaction of keeping it going." Even the act of monitoring is a helpful reminder that you set this goal for a reason—it helps you remember the why behind your resolutions, which many people tend to forget after the first few days of January.

4. Give yourself grace

If you try a technique that ultimately doesn't work for you? Give yourself grace and compassion; you might just need to try a different approach. Rubin states, "Sometimes, people get discouraged when something that works really well for someone else doesn't work for them, and they think, What's wrong with me? I should just try harder and try it again." Rather, she suggests saying to yourself: "There's nothing wrong with me. I've learned something about myself. This tool doesn't work. Now, I'm going to try a different tool."

The takeaway.

As we head into 2022, try these techniques to create a plan that works for you. It can be easy to compare yourself to others, but your journey is your own. Celebrate small wins and treat yourself with kindness at the end of the day.